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by John Taylor, Flikr

The 11th Commandment

We know about the Ten Commandments. What we don’t know is there were eleven. When the Kramer Walker briefly had doubts about biblical origins, he went looking for new answers. He sighted the mount from afar, and knew he’d have to climb to its summit to find what he needed. He consulted experts and the […]


Our Favorite Boating Photos

Boca Raton (26°21′ N 080°20′ W) Photograph by Samantha Robinson Your senses seem to heighten as the afterglow of the day fades along with with the range of vision. Navigating in low-light situations requires extra care and caution, true, but there’s something oddly freeing about focusing on the water around you and living in the […]

Pillow Case

Ship’s Store Updates

The Ship’s Store is being updated, so check back often. Our Must-Have Mug is now better quality and a lower price – two attributes that are never together, right? Check it out. And, The Versatile Pillow Case? We bought four for the bed, and a couple extra ones. When they arrived, we got a wild-hair… […]